Joint Letter of Appeal to Elon Musk, TESLA: Stop buying products from Nornickel

Joint Letter of Appeal to Elon Musk, TESLA: Stop buying products from Nornickel

 Dear Indigenous sisters and brothers, representatives of environmental, and human rights organizations:

The Aborigen-Forum, the Indigenous Peoples Rights International, and the Cultural Survival request your support by signing and circulating this open letter to Elon Musk, the Chief Executive Officer of the Tesla company that produces electric cars and clean energy. This letter requests him to stop buying any products from Nornickel company, a company that destroys indigenous peoples’ lands in the Russian Siberia. We request Tesla to only resume trade with Nornickel when the company implements the requirements of the local Indigenous communities with regard to a healthy environment and sustainable development in their mining activities. (please see details here –


We urge Elon Musk as a leader of a high-technology giant that develops an environment-friendly business to confirm that Tesla will only sign a contract with a mining company if the nickel for Tesla’s batteries will be mined in a socially and environmentally sustainable way.

Nornickel is one of the top global polluters that is operating not only in Russia but also in Africa, Europe, Asia, and North America. Hence, as Tesla is buying nickel in a worldwide market, we believe that this action will promote Indigenous Peoples’ rights and sustainable development at a global scale.

We kindly ask you and your respective organizations to sign the letter to Elon Musk with this link:

Your support will go long way in our collective efforts to protect the environment and indigenous peoples rights.


In solidarity,


Gennady Schukin,
Aborigen Forum, Executive Secretary

Vicky Tauli-Corpuz,
Indigenous Peoples Rights International, Co-Director

Joan Carling,
Indigenous Peoples Rights International, Co-Director

Galina Angarova,
Cultural Survival, Executive Director

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