Indigenous Peoples in the Democratic Republic of Congo face conditions that seriously threaten their existence.

Numerous armed groups and, in some cases, state security forces, commit frequent attacks on indigenous villages and communities. IPRI reports have documented that these attacks have forced indigenous peoples, particularly Pygmy peoples, to flee their lands. These are occupied by armed groups to exploit them, particularly through mining. The DRC has about 5.5 million internally displaced people.
In addition, human rights defenders - including defenders of Pygmy peoples - face threats, intimidation, and arbitrary arrests. This has been aggravated by periods of state of emergency decreed and measures to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic.
Despite this adverse context, indigenous Pygmy peoples recently achieved, in June 2022, the approval by the Congolese Parliament of the first law that recognizes, protects, and defends their rights.
“Indigenous peoples across the globe are increasingly subjected to criminalization and violations of their individual and collective rights with impunity. Help put an end to this.”
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