To the Peruvian State and the international community, in the face of hate speech and discrimination

To the Peruvian State and the international community, in the face of hate speech and discrimination

To the Peruvian State and the international community, in the face of hate speech and discrimination

Indigenous Peoples Rights International (IPRI) is a global indigenous peoples' organisation committed to protecting the rights of indigenous peoples. We strongly condemn the racist, discriminatory and hateful expressions made against the indigenous peoples of the Andes and the Peruvian Amazon by supporters of the presidential candidacy of the Fuerza Popular party in the context of the presidential elections.

On the 6th of June, the Peruvian people voted in the second round of the elections, which resulted in very narrow margins of difference between the two candidates. In view of the latest results and with the presidential candidate of "Peru Libre" in the lead, there have been numerous expressions of racism and discrimination. These question the validity of the votes of the indigenous people living in the Andes and in the rainforest.

IPRI endorses the rejection expressed by the indigenous organisations Asociación Interétnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana (AIDESEP); Federación Nacional de Mujeres Campesinas, Artesanas, Indígenas, Nativas y Asalariadas del Perú (FEMUCARINAP); and the organisation Chirapaq, among others, against accusations of "systematic fraud" in rural areas and in the Peruvian rainforest, which are areas with a majority of indigenous population.

We urge the Peruvian State to take responsibility for eradicating racial discrimination in all its forms. We also call on the Peruvian State to guarantee indigenous peoples all rights on equal terms. Discrimination and hatred only deepen and perpetuate the exclusion of indigenous peoples.

Finally, we call for the attention of the electoral institutions to respect the popular will of the Peruvian people as expressed at the ballot box. Neither racism nor hatred should define the electoral process. The will of the people must prevail.

About Indigenous Peoples Rights International (IPRI)

The Indigenous Peoples Rights International (IPRI) is a legally registered, non-profit, global Indigenous Peoples organization that works to protect the IP rights defenders, and unite and amplify the call for justice for the victims of criminalisation and impunity.

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