UNPFII: Statement Of IPRI On Item 6: Future Work Of The Permanent Forum, Including Issues Considered By The Economic And Social Council And Emerging Issues

UNPFII: Statement Of IPRI On Item 6: Future Work Of The Permanent Forum, Including Issues Considered By The Economic And Social Council And Emerging Issues

In relation to the future work of the Permanent Forum, it would be highly relevant and important to conduct a participatory review on the implementation of the Outcome Document of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples after 10 years of implementation. This historical Document was adopted by the UN General Assembly in September 2014, so its 10 years of implementation will be by August 2024. With this, we recommend to the UNPFII to start the preparatory process next year that shall involve Indigenous Peoples, members states, UN agencies, funds and programmes.

The review shall include an assessment of progress, gaps, challenges, good practices and lessons learned and identify key steps to address the gaps and advance its implementation. This is especially in relation to the implementation of the UNDRIP through legislative, policy, and administrative measures; the development and implementation of national action plans and strategies; and other measures relevant to achieving the ends of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Another recommendation, in line with the mandated area of the UNPF in relation to the SDGs, is to include a standing agenda on SDGs aligned with the  theme and selected SDGs for review by the  High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development held every July.  The results shall then be presented to the HLPF to ensure substantive inputs and visibility of Indigenous Peoples’ concerns relating to the SDGs in this global review process on the implementation of the SDGs.  This will also complement the participation of Indigenous Peoples in the HLPF albeit with limited space. 

The presentations and discussions shall include the perspective of Indigenous Peoples, progress and gaps relating to relevant SDG targets, key challenges, initiatives of Indigenous Peoples, and related activities/ programmes of UN agencies, funds and programmes. These shall also include key recommendations to address gaps and advance the inclusion of indigenous peoples in ways and means defined by them and based on their aspirations.

Having targeted presentations and discussions on the SDGs in the sessions of the UNPFII will directly contribute to raising the visibility of indigenous peoples’ concerns and their contributions to advancing the SDGs in the context of realization of Indigenous Peoples’ rights, their well-being, and aspirations.

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