UNPFII 2024: Agenda 6

UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII).  23nd session

Agenda Item 6. Future work of the Permanent Forum, including issues considered by the Economic and Social Council, the outcome document of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples and emerging issues

Statement by The Indigenous Peoples Rights International (IPRI)

Future Work of the UNPFII on Criminalization of Indigenous Peoples’ Human Rights

Indigenous Peoples Rights International would like to again praise the report on the issue of criminalization against indigenous peoples presented by UNPFII members Ei Ei Wei and Rodrigo Paillaref.

As an indigenous-led organization working to end violence and criminalization and ensuing impunity against indigenous peoples, we feel it is very important that the UNPFII has developed a report on this issue.

In our view, the report is a first step that has now to be translated into actions to implement the suggested recommendations addressed to States, the UN system and the Permanent Forum itself. With this aim, we would like to provide some suggestions that the Permanent Forum could consider in terms of its future work.

The UNPFII, as an advisory body to the Economic and Social Council with the mandate to provide expert advice to United Nations programmes, funds and agencies has an important role in the implementation of the recommendations addressed to the UN system. As violence and criminalization happen mainly in Indigenous Peoples’ lands and territories, the UN system presence at the country level may allow for a continuing monitoring of and action on this issue at the domestic level.

  • In this sense, we recommend the Permanent Forum to consider including a standing agenda item in its annual dialogues with the Inter Agency Support Group, so to receive updated information on UN system work at the national and regional levels to prevent and combat violence and criminalization of Indigenous Peoples’ human rights, including on the concrete activities recommended in the report.
  • To have an in-depth discussion on these and related issues concerning  violence and criminalization, we strongly support the recommendation that the Permanent Forum hold an Expert Group Meeting on the issue of  criminalization of Indigenous Peoples’ human rights with a view to recommending further specific actions that could be undertaken by the United Nations system, with the participation of United Nations agencies and bodies, States and Indigenous experts.
  • We would also like to support the suggestion of further studies analysing different aspects of the criminalization suffered by Indigenous Peoples and its effects. We recommend that the UNPFII develops further studies on the issue, including on ‘transgenerational and intergenerational discrimination and harm, including where related to various forms of criminalization and its effects’, as proposed.


Criminalization and violence against Indigenous Peoples’ defenders – who are normally also Indigenous leaders – has been described as a ‘global crisis.’  Urgent action is needed to respond to this situation. Based on the report, we hope the Permanent Forum will decide to continue considering this issue in its future work.

Thank you Madam/Mr Chair


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