- A defesa das mulheres indígenas em espaços internacionais e os 16 dias de ativismo contra a violência de gênero
- DRC || Governance and management of protected areas: A country report on the criminalization of, and human rights violations against Indigenous Pygmy Peoples
- Findings and Recommendations: Redefining Protected Areas
- Global Report || Redefining Protected Areas: A Study on the Criminalization of and Human Rights Violations Against Indigenous Peoples in Conservation
- KENYA || Indigenous defenders on the run: a country study on the criminalization of and human rights violation against Indigenous Peoples in conservation
- MANUAL DE FORMACIÓN || Integración de los derechos y perspectivas de los Pueblos Indígenas en la implementación del Marco Mundial sobre la Biodiversidad de Kunming-Montreal
- Más de 140 personas defensoras de los derechos humanos de todo el mundo piden el fin de los desalojos forzosos del pueblo ogiek del bosque de Mau
- NEPAL || Indigenous Peoples in protected areas A country report on criminalization and violation of subsistence occupation and customary rights
- Over 140 human rights defenders from around the world call for an end to forced evictions of the Ogiek people of Mau Forest
- Plus de 140 défenseurs des droits de l'homme du monde entier demandent la fin des expulsions forcées des Ogieks de la forêt de Mau
- TANZANIA || Criminalization of, and human rights violations against Indigenous Peoples in conservation: a country report
- THAILAND || Conservation against customary practices Criminalization of, and human rights violations against Indigenous peoples in Thailand’s protected areas and forest reserves
- TRAINING MANUAL || Integrating Indigenous Peoples’ rights and perspectives in the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework