UNPFII 2024: Item 3

UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. 23nd session Item 3. Special theme of session: “Enhancing Indigenous Peoples’ right to self-determination in the context of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: emphasizing the voices of Indigenous youth”

Statement by
Indigenous Peoples Rights International (IPRI)

The level of participation from delegation of Indigenous youth this year is astonishing, and it has surpassed the 22nd permanent forum. That said, we need a commitment from the United Nations and governments around the world to start taking action to remove the barriers we face specific to having a voice at the UN. We need support to increase representation and participation; including information, accessibility to this space, ease of the application process, funding and capacity building (such as Indigenous Rights, International Human Right Education), and upholding the right to access that education so we can be here.

The process and expectations that are placed upon us is absurd.  As we know there are countless Indigenous youth who get turned away for lack of affiliation, lack of knowledge, and lack of awareness of the permanent forum or other UN forums.

Within UNDRIP, Article 5 we have the right to maintain and strengthen our distinct political, legal, economic, social and cultural institutions while choosing to participate in political, economic, social and cultural life of the state, be it that we as youth have the absolute right to be here. It is critical to acknowledge that this space builds momentum for change and is one of the pivotal points for Indigenous youth to learn, gather and network globally.

For many of the youth present today, our work does not stop here. In fact, it grows. Through shared space like the Global Indigenous Youth Caucus and regional gatherings, we strategize and maximize our time here before we head home to our own territories and communities with new information to disseminate and advocate. 

Therefore, we call for support from states, funders, organizations and UN agencies who are present at the permanent forum to collaborate with us in ensuring Indigenous youth have access and are given opportunity. We call upon those to also support the initiatives that are being created by youth and for youth. I want to share and acknowledge that this forum has brought together a group of us youth who are in the creation of such an initiative called All My Relations International and we invite you to join us and support us. It is in our best interest and yours to support the capacity building of young leaders and Indigenous youth led initiatives, organizations and governance.    

And lastly, a call to action, you need to make space to include and uphold continued participation of Indigenous children and youth regarding self-determination. We are the heart of this community and the generation that will be most impacted by decisions made over these next two weeks.

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