Call For Affiliates
You can be part of the Global Initiative to address and prevent Criminalization, Violence, and Impunity against Indigenous Peoples
End criminalization and impunity against Indigenous Peoples
Indigenous peoples across the globe are increasingly subjected to criminalization and violations of their individual and collective rights with impunity.
Help put an end to this.
End criminalization and impunity against Indigenous Peoples
Indigenous peoples across the globe are increasingly subjected to criminalization and violations of their individual and collective rights with impunity.
Help put an end to this.
We are Indigenous Peoples
with rights and dignity!!
Webinario regional
La incidencia de las mujeres indígenas en los espacios internacionales y los 16 días de activismo contra la violencia de género
Learn MorePractical guide for advocacy by indigenous women
General Recommendation No. 39 (GR 39) on the Rights of Indigenous Women and Girls
Learn MoreArticle on the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples
BUILDING PARTNERSHIPS AND SOLIDARITY || Ending Criminalization Of Indigenous Peoples And Advancing Climate Action
“Indigenous peoples across the globe are increasingly subjected to criminalization and violations of their individual and collective rights with impunity. Help put an end to this.”
The Indigenous Peoples Rights International (IPRI) is a global Indigenous Peoples organization that works to protect the IP rights defenders, and unite and amplify the call for justice and respect for Indigenous Peoples' rights.
Registered in the US as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation (EIN: 86-1737122)
Registered in the US as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation (EIN: 86-1737122)